What are we all about?

What is MEMfit? MEMfit is a 24-session fitness experience guaranteed to achieve all of your fitness goals AND improve the well-being of individuals in Memphis, Tennessee. MEMfit is based on the following principles:

Community - Functional Fitness - Fun.

MEMfit is designed to give you the results that you work for! We provide innovative and challenging workouts that guarantee to inspire! Workouts change on a daily basis so our workout routines are never boring!

MEMfit encourages change not only in your body, but also in your community. With an ever-growing obesity problem in the US, MEMfit's social mission is to implement programs in the city of Memphis that give adults and children alike the access to healthier fitness programs. Proceeds from each camp are set aside specifically for this reason.


Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Something for Nothing

Just the sound of that sounds good to me... to receive something for nothing.  It's like walking into the grocery store (Sam's Club specifically) on a Saturday morning and learning that not only are they giving out samples, but they are giving the really good ones.  You know, the ones where they cook up those little sandwhich samples and they give you like half!  Or if the worker is in a good mood, she might just let you take a whole one.  That is like .....ahhhhh!  I love getting something for nothing.
BUT that's not this journey!
Waking up before the sun or busting out a bearcrawl and some jump squats after a hard day's work in the 100 degree heat, deserves nothing short of a great big.....SOMETHING. Like what, I could promise you something tangible,like a massage or a gift card somewhere, but the results that you will see, or begin to see is something much more valuable than that.  My friend you have embarked upon taking your life back.  Taking your health back.  Taking your fitness back.  And that is something.  And you certainly know by now that aren't doing something for nothing.

"Having a Ball" and 2 Minutes of Heaven

WOD Tuesday 8/24

We split up into teams and had a competition using a tennis ball.

This game would have been more appealing and probably a lot more fun if it had the OTHER "2 Minutes of Heaven", but who's counting minutes.

WOD - 2 Minutes of Heaven
Campers are divided into 4-5 separate groups.  Each group begins with a different exercise.  Exercises are as follows:
Slam Ball or Medicin Ball throws
Mountain Climbers
Jump Rope
5-sec Jump Squats

Each of these exercises are performed for 2 minutes with 1 minute rest in between.

Hmmmmm.....Good times, good times : )

Week 3 - Lets get it!

The beginning of Week 3 and it's been intense.  I can say that we can send up prayers and thanks to the universe for the cooler weather that we're experiencing.  Ahhhhhhhhh.  It's been so nice! 

Monday WOD -
Team Game " You Decide"
Each Team has to obtain a total of 50 points by completing the following:
5 pointers - 25 Burpees, 60 Up/Downs or Double Suicide
3 pointers - Mountain Climbers, Inchworm or
2 pointers - 25 step ups,
1 pointers - 20 JJ, 20 PU and 15 lunges

Will you make it to 50?.........YOU DECIDE

Friday, August 20, 2010

TGIF and results

It's the end of Week 2 ...... ROCKSTARS!!!!  Week 2 has been challenging but awesome.  We did assessments on Thursday and EVERYONE, EVERYONE, EVERYONE improved their original numbers.

AM Camp -  Down-Back/Sit ups/Push ups/Squats
T. Baker - 5/32/41/35
P. Pointer - pre(4/26/22m/29) post (4/28/38m/36)
A. Hartman - pre (4/21/12/30) post (4/28/27/37)
K. McKeever - pre (3.5/23/12m/28) post(4/30/25m/35)
M. Lucy - pre (4/1916/31) post (5/29/40m/38)
T. Deberry - pre (3/25/10m/39) post (3/28/30m/45)
V. Bond - pre (3.5/32/10m/38) post (3/30/30m/46)
M. Staggs - pre (4.25/24/23/33) post (4.25/25/30/35)
M. Shanks - pre (4/23/14/26) post (4/29/16/30)
H. Chapman - pre (6/30/41/33) post (6/38/52/45)
C. Ngo - pre (4.5/22/27) post (5/28/32/41)
B. Marshall - pre (4/25/20/42) post (4/31/23/42)
J. Kidd - current (4.5/28/20/36)
R. Midha - current (4.5/28/30/36)

PM Camp - Down/Back/Sit-ups/Push-ups/Squats

G. Shanks - pre (4/23/24/42)
S. Patel - pre (3.5/24/14m/36) post (3.5/29/25/38)
M. Milligan - pre (3/12/17m/25) post (3/21/30/35)
C. Webster - pre (/ /14/14m/17) post (3/24/25/27)
R. Carter - pre (2.5819m21) post ( )
R. Barber - pre (3/15/21m/35) post (2.5/30/45/43)
G. Rubin - pre (4.25/20/18m/22) post (2.5/33/30/35)
A. Ray -  pre (3/24/5/34) post (2.5/38/20/47)
A. Laws - pre (4/22/20m/40) post (3.5/39/25/45)
G. Bugnitz - pre (3.5/18/33m/25) post (3.5/39/45m/45)
M. Morris - pre (1.5/8/9m/26) post (2/24/33m/36)
F. Odum - pre (2.5/17/12m/14) post (2.5/24/38m/34)
K. Smith - pre (3.5/25/23m/31) post (3.5/28/24/36)
S. Allen - pre (3.5/21/25/31) post ( )
S. Johnson - pre(4/21/28m/31) post ( )
P. Patel current (3/29/21/29)

Monday, August 16, 2010

Welcome to Week 2!!!!

Good morning!  This morning's camps was really great!  It was actually NICE to be outside.  There was a great breeze this morning.  Very enjoyable.  You know you live in the Memphis in August when.......it's going to be 94 degrees and everyone's rejoicing because it's a "cooler" day.  : )

Today's workout:
Begin with  "Capture the Cone" - fun game

Workout is the "Terrific Ten"
Complete as many rounds as you can in time allowed:
Push ups (PU)
Step-ups or lungess
Walking Planks

Woo-hoo!  We're in Week 2 Baby!

Friday, August 13, 2010

Happy Birthday Logan!  Today was my youngest sons birthday!  Way to be a trooper because you had to share me today!  I hope it's your best day so far!

WOD (Workout of the Day)

"Oh, Plank Goodness"
squats --- jump squats---plank
bridges ---bridge ups-----plank
MC ----- big foot MC -----plank
pushups -----tricep pushups -----planks
Abs-------obiques ------planks

Complete as many rounds as you can in the time allotted.  First exercise is to be done for 1 minute, 2nd exercise for 30 seconds and then hold the plank for 30 seconds  for a total of 2 minutes.
Example - Complete squats for one minute, then right into jumping squats for 30 seconds, then on to hold the plank for 30 seconds.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

In the words of Ice Cube "today was a good day".  We did partner excercises after a riveting game of "Monkey in the Middle".  I can't stress how important it is to adequately prepare for camp by getting enough rest, eating a proper meal and drinking plenty of water during the day AND during camp.

"Game" - Monkey in the Middle

Partner excercises - Alternate with your partner in completing 30 reps, 20 reps and 10-reps.  Exercises to choose from.....situps, bridges, pushups, plank (for count) and finally jumping jacks/jills.
Ex. -  Partner 1 completes 30 reps of situps, Partner 2 completes 30 reps of situps
Partner 1 completes 20 reps of stiups, Partner 2 completes 20 reps of situps
Partner1 completes 10 reps of situps, Partner 2 completes 10 reps of situps.  Then move on to next exercise.
Have fun!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Workout 8/11/10

Today's workout:

6AM - Run Workout in Shelby Farms

6PM - Began with introduction of Dynamic Warmup
           Completed 5x400s and finished with Abs

Great job today! 

Wonder if it's worth it?

Ever wonder if geting up before the endure pushups from hell, sit ups from Satan or burpees (we have no earthly idea where they came from)?  Is it worth to LITERALLY work out in 100+ degree weather when you are sweating buckets before you begin the workout?  The answer is yes....but even more accurately, the answer is ....you'll see.

Embarking upon a healthier lifestyle is certainly worth all the headache when you add up all of it's benefits.  It can reduce heart disease and blood pressure, improve skin, improve quality of sleep, assist in combating depression, give you added energy and help you to lose inches. YAY!  If that doesn't do it for you because you've heard that a million times, then think about being around another day for your children, your significant other, your nieces or nephews and most importantly .....YOURSELF.  Is it worth it?  I certainly think so!
Keep up the good work everyone!

Peace, love and pushups!