What are we all about?

What is MEMfit? MEMfit is a 24-session fitness experience guaranteed to achieve all of your fitness goals AND improve the well-being of individuals in Memphis, Tennessee. MEMfit is based on the following principles:

Community - Functional Fitness - Fun.

MEMfit is designed to give you the results that you work for! We provide innovative and challenging workouts that guarantee to inspire! Workouts change on a daily basis so our workout routines are never boring!

MEMfit encourages change not only in your body, but also in your community. With an ever-growing obesity problem in the US, MEMfit's social mission is to implement programs in the city of Memphis that give adults and children alike the access to healthier fitness programs. Proceeds from each camp are set aside specifically for this reason.


Monday, November 29, 2010

Are you brave enough to answer "how many times a day? week? month?

In a study that was released this month it stated that many Americans just don't get it  enough.
Are you one of them?  Before you begin wondering what in fact we're talking about.  The study stated that only 6% of Americans are getting enough vegetables in their daily diet.  And only about 8% are consuming the recommended daily helping of fruits!  Astounding right?  Well, answer the question listed above in the title.  How many times a day are you consuming fruits and veggies?  I bet the answer is interesting......: )

Some of you may say, "I take vitamins so I don't need to eat that stuff, I don't like it".  Vitamins are awesome....AS A SUPPLEMENT to what your body gets NATURALLY.  There is so much value (anti-oxidants, vitamins and minerals) in all of our fruits and vegetables.

Here's a few tips to increase your intake:
1.  Need a mid-afternoon snack?  Instead of grabbing chips from the vending machine, pack some carrots or an apple instead.
2. Color code your meals.  The more colorful the better!  Add fruits and veggies to breakfast lunch and dinner by using reds (tomatoes or red peppers), blues (blueberries or grapes) and especially greens (kale greens, mixed green salad or cabbage).
3.  Add fresh or frozen fruit into your desserts.  You can add strawberries,blueberries, raspberries, craisins, bananas into frozen yogurt or sherbert (for an extra pop add some granola). Be creative!

Monday, November 22, 2010

Happy, Healthy Thanksgiving!

Holiday season is here and I know we are all looking forward to those huge holiday meals! Unfortunately, no one wants extra lbs as part of their New Years Eve outfit. This blog will help you step into the meal prepared with some do’s and don’ts for the Turkey Day.

-Get a in some exercise Thanksgiving morning.  Yes, it's a holiday but no need for a break!  Take a brisk walk, run or another fun activity that you and perhaps the family would love to enjoy.

-prepare your dishes, always using light, low fat, and fat free healthy substitutes. For example, substitute 1 egg for 2 egg whites,  fat-free yogurt for sour cream, fat free chicken broth for gravy, use sugar substitutes and wheat breads instead of white

- look online to get ideas on how to provide several delicious healthy side dishes, desserts, and even main turkey dishes!

-stick to white skinless pieces when choosing which piece of turkey to eat.  This is an excellent source of protein.

-Skip seconds and opt for dessert instead!

-Choose yummy fall vegetables.  They will give your plate color while filling you up on fewer calories.  Try new foods - don't waste calories on food you can have all year (like bread)

-Leave the LEFTOVERS!!!!  No need to take those extra calories home with you!  Remember they rarely leave!!

-Go into your Thanksgiving meal hungry- that could be your worst downfall. Drink plenty of water before and during the meal.

-Heap huge servings of each dish on your plate.  Instead pretend that you are taste-testing each dish.
-fill up on creamy, cheesy and fried dishes that you know are high in fat.
- fill up on canned fruits and vegetables. These are high in sodium and the taste is not even close to the real thing.  Opt for fresh berries, baked apples and other fresh fruit instead.

Really focus on the flavors of this Thanksgiving meal. The meaning of Thanksgiving is not about stuffing yourself, but appreciating the food you do have.
Focus on family and friends during the meal instead of the food. Help clean up and take a nice walk after the meal. This will give you some extra bonding time and really allow you to give thanks for your loved ones!

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Thank You vets! - Happy Veterans Day!

This afternoon as I was picking up my two youngest and walking them to our special corner of campus to begin homework Dylan, my youngest, begins explaining the origins of the Thanksgiving holiday.  "Did you know", she says, "that the Pilgrims didn't even have turkey at the first Thanksgiving?".  I act shocked and say, "What, you mean all these years, I've been eating turkey and it's been a sham!"  She laughs and says, "Yeah".  I said, "isn't it cool though, that if we want we could even eat pizza on Thanksgiving?"  Excitedly, both of my youngest kids said "YEAH!".  And Logan adds, "so take that Pilgrims".

It's a small blessing, but I'm thankful that I live in a country where my choices, continue to remain my choices!  This is not a political stance, but an opportunity for me to reflect and teach my children, that even with the smallest of privileges that price was paid by someone else that came before you. 

So today, and everyday, to our veterans everywhere I want to say THANK YOU!

Happy Veteran's Day from MEMfit!

Monday, November 1, 2010

Did you know that when you drink a Gatorade you are actually ingesting 14 grams of sugar? Or that Vitamin Water contains 13 grams of sugar and 50 calories per serving? That equals 125 calories in one drink. We all know sodas are full of sugars and calories, but most drinks are very sneaky in hiding their sugars. This is easily done through deceptive advertising and marketing. Most people are unaware about the hidden calories in many drinks including juices and “waters.” Check out the following to see how your favorite drink may stack up. This might be a wake up call!

Coca-Cola (12 oz) 39 g sugar
Amp Energy Drink (8.4 oz) 31 g sugar
Arizona Iced Tea (8 oz) 24 g sugar
Apple Juice (8 oz) 26 g sugar
Chocolate Milk (8 oz) 24 g sugar
Gatorade (8 oz) 14 g sugar
Ginger Ale (12 oz) 33 g sugar
Full Throttle (16 oz) 58 g sugar
Lipton Iced Tea (12 oz) 33 g sugar
Minute Maid Orange Juice (8 oz) 24 g sugar
Monster (16 oz) 54 g sugar
Mountain Dew (12 oz) 47 g sugar
Nestea Iced Tea (16 oz) 34 g sugar
Pepsi (12 oz) 40 g sugar
Powerade (8 oz) 14 g sugar
Red Bull (8.34 oz) 24 g sugar
Rockstar (16 oz) 60 g sugar
Snapple Tea (16 oz) 36 g sugar
Sobe (8 oz) 29 g sugar
Sprite (12 oz) 39 g sugar
Starbucks Bottled Frapp (9.5 oz) 33 g sugar
Vitamin Water (8 oz) 13 g sugar
                       (20 oz) 33 g sugar

Look for the following "buzz words" on the ingredient list, then step away because it is a sneaky name for sugar in a calorie-sweetened beverage!

- high fructose corn syrup
- fructose
- sucrose
- dextrose
- fruit juice concentrates
- honey
- sugar
- syrup
- corn syrup

You now can be your very own detective! Start picking up the bottles and examine the nutrition labels. Make sure you check out the serving size! Some drinks can have up to 3 servings causing you to ingest 100s of calories! In the end, water is always the best option!
(written by Alyssa Dragutsky)