What are we all about?

What is MEMfit? MEMfit is a 24-session fitness experience guaranteed to achieve all of your fitness goals AND improve the well-being of individuals in Memphis, Tennessee. MEMfit is based on the following principles:

Community - Functional Fitness - Fun.

MEMfit is designed to give you the results that you work for! We provide innovative and challenging workouts that guarantee to inspire! Workouts change on a daily basis so our workout routines are never boring!

MEMfit encourages change not only in your body, but also in your community. With an ever-growing obesity problem in the US, MEMfit's social mission is to implement programs in the city of Memphis that give adults and children alike the access to healthier fitness programs. Proceeds from each camp are set aside specifically for this reason.


Thursday, May 27, 2010

Change your life......then change your mind

Making a change in your body first begins with changing your mind.  The human mind is the key to so many things.  It is such an amazing entity.  I believe that you can truly THINK yourself thin.  Okay, what I really mean is that if you place the vision in your mind and then ACT on becoming thin (or getting in shape) then it can happen!  But if you don't believe it can happen, then it NEVER will.  I don't know about you but, I believe it's time for a change!

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